Ben and I can't believe that Reid is already two weeks old today! WOW how time flies!!! This has been a big week for our little guy, and he's still the most laid back baby there is. This week, Reid finally got his days and nights flipped correctly. He's letting mommy get GREAT sleep for only being two weeks old! He usually goes down to bed about 11pm, then I only wake up to feed him about 2:30am, and again about 6:30am...can't beat that! =) Reid also started eating 4 full ounces of formula at every feeding this week - such a big boy! We have his 2 week well-check tomorrow (Wednesday) morning with Dr. Dalton, and are so excited to see how much he's grown!
I love this sleepy-faced picture of him right after he got done eating yesterday...

Other big milestones (at least to mommy and daddy) this week:
1) Reid cried for me the first time this past weekend - I love that he now knows who I am! =) He does great with other people holding him, but if he's tired and hears me walk into the room now... he swings his head to find me and screams. As soon as I pick him up, he's perfectly content.
2) Last night, Reid and Daddy had their first "Boys Only" evening - Ben did such a wonderful job with him! I went out for several hours to have dinner with some girlfriends and to have some adult conversation time, while Ben stayed here to hold down the fort. I'm so thankful and blessed to have a husband who loves us so much and is also incredible an Dad!
3)And...SMILES!!! I've had two real smiles this week - those make everything so worth it!!!
The little dude is starting to wake up, so I'm running out of time... but had to share this one last picture:
The boys (Johnny and Fat Jack) have been none too interested or thrilled to be sharing their house with this new little guy. But...they are FINALLY warming up to him. Johnny now thinks anytime that I have Reid in my lap, he must join us as well. Too cute!
Hope everyone is having a great week so far... I'll post his stats from our well-check tomorrow as soon as possible!