Just a warning...we had a very eventful weekend, so this post is rather long and contains TONS of pictures (and still more to come)...but we had so much fun that I had to share...
The weekend started off as we headed out to Grapevine Main Street Days in downtown Grapevine. We went out there with our good friends
Candace, Josiah, and Adalyn Reneau. Adalyn and Reid are only 4 months apart, so it's always a great time watching them interact with each other!
Here's a picture of the two men in my life...ready to go have some fun! (Reid had just eaten his dinner, so the bib was still on for protection... And, yes, it says "Chicks Dig Me")

Me and the little dude...of course the camera didn't catch his smile. I like to think he was just too mesmerized with his Mommy =)
Reid is so much fun these days! Love how he is starting to smile on cue for the camera!

If you can't tell, Reid had a complete BLAST at Main Street Days... all of the lights, people, live music... he laughed and squealed for most of the evening.
Here's a great pic of the
Reneau's! Isn't little Adalyn ADORABLE????

Our little fam...once again, Reid is smiling for the camera...love it! What a ham!

Adalyn and Reid... a future love connection???

We seriously had a ball on Friday evening...it's always great times with the Reneau's! Reid and Adalyn did so great as well! Reid got in a good nap while we ate dinner, then was WIRED for the rest of the evening! Here's a pic of him around 11pm that night as we were headed home. It was hours past his bedtime, so shouldn't he have been fast asleep??? He did (finally) crash out as soon as we got in the car =)

On Saturday, we were up bright and early to get Reid over to Grandma & Grandpa Peterson's house so that Ben and I could go to Karen Stark's / Matt Skains' wedding - what a beautiful day!!! I didn't get too many pictures b/c I felt like my flash was competing with their photographer's... but here's the newlyweds walking out of the church...

Karen and Matt got married at the TCU Chapel at 11am, then had their luncheon reception at Colonial Golf Club. Despite the rain, everything was absolutely perfect! Karen was a beautiful bride!!! And, we got to see a lot of our "extended" family that we don't get to see as often as we would like...
One such family member... is ALLISON!!!

Allison and her husband Eric traveled to the wedding all the way from Turkey...oh how we have missed them!!! Allison and I grew up together and she was a bridesmaid in my wedding...love this girl! It was so much fun to sit with them at the luncheon and have a good chance to catch up...we're sad to see them head back home, but our thoughts and prayers are always with them.
A rare pic of just Ben and I during the reception =)
And a pic with some more of our extended family... Jen & Jason De La Porte!

Jen and Jason live here with us, so we see them all of the time... but had to post this pic for two reasons... #1 - They are some of our closest and dearest friends...not a thing in the world we wouldn't do for these two! #2 - Saturday was Jen's 30th birthday!!! Happy birthday, my friend!!! (More to come on that later in the post...)
And, the last (of the very few pics) I took at the wedding is Ben and I with Blaire Bender...

Absolutely love this dear friend, as well! Blaire is a nurse in Oklahoma City now - we miss her living in Fort Worth! She also happened to have been one of my bridesmaids and was a beautiful bridesmaid in Karen's wedding on Saturday as well! =) I wish I would have gotten a few other pictures to include Brian & Emily Borg and Dave & Cindy Bender... but they were at different tables than we were, and my brain stops functioning when I'm baby free... I tend to just sit back and relax =)
On Sunday...I forgot my camera...uggg! But Jen Wildey (Rex's wife) took a lot of pictures that I will be posting as soon as possible. Shameless plug here... Jen is a professional photographer and she's WONDERFUL! Check out her website at
Jennifer Wildey Photograhpy. =)
So Sunday started off with the huge THINK BIG celebration at
Keystone - what an incredible morning!!! We were celebrating the end of a 3-year journey and capital campaign to fund our new building space. It's always amazing to me that we belong to such an incredible church family who are Christ-centered and wholly committed to following His direction. How our lives are blessed every day by this community!
Then...right after church...we headed out to Jen DeLaPorte's SURPRISE 30th BIRTHDAY!!! (These are the pics that I will have to post as soon as I get them from Jen Wildey...) But what a fun afternoon! Her husband, Jason, went above and beyond to make the day so special for Jen. We love you, Jen, and had so much fun celebrating with you!!!
Now, it is Sunday evening... Ben is out mowing the lawn, Reid is getting ready to go down for the night, and I'm off to relax and get ready for the week... later!