Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Online Strangers

Odd title for a blog post, I know...  But since I entered the great world of Blogland, I've probably been asked more times than I can count about why I blog... How could I let "online strangers" read about the personal parts of life?  What is the attraction to it?  How do I have the time? Why is my blog not set to private? Do I care if so-and-so forwarded my blog on to their entire email list? etc, etc...  Up until a few months ago, I don't know that I had a really good answer for those questions outside of the fact that it was just therapeutic for me.  But, now, I do have an answer worthy of sharing...

I just finished up a phone conversation a few minutes ago with a woman that I have never met in person, yet we had an immediate connection and I now feel such a deep bond with her that is difficult to explain.  Neither one of us are able to have biological children, and until you have been through that, there is just no way to really understand.  She was forwarded my blog by a friend of a friend of a friend, and contacted me over the weekend.  Hers was the third call that I have received exactly like that over the last two days.  In a given week, Ben and I usually receive 5 to 7 calls from people like this that we have never even met - all who have questions about our story, what we went through, and the adoption process.  Not to mention the amazing friends and support system that we are surrounded with, many of whom deal with the same problems of infertility.  

If you would have asked me a year ago, when I started blogging, if I thought that it was even a possibility that God could turn a situation that was devastating (in mine and Ben's eyes) into the beautiful adoption story that we have today... my answer would have been most definitely no.   That's flat-out embarrassing for me to admit, especially after seeing how everything we went through fits so perfectly into the plan that God has for our lives.  A plan that is a thousand times better and more fulfilling than anything we could have done ourselves.  

So, the reason that I blog, is that we feel incredibly blessed to be given the opportunities to talk to these amazing couples, to pray with them, and to give them hope about adoption on the other side of their storm.  In no way, shape, or form can we take credit for ANY part of our story because it is not our own - it is God's story and His unfailing, compassionate love at work in our lives.  And that love of God, which we in no way deserve, is most definitely a gift we are willing to open up and share with "online strangers" - many of whom we can now call friends.

A quote that I absolutely love, which I am adding to the side panel of my blog, sums it all up perfectly to me (courtesy of my friend Amanda's blog):

...I talk about my life anyway because if, on the one hand, hardly anything could be less important, on the other hand, hardly anything could be more important. My story is important not because it is mine, God knows, but because if I tell it anything like right, the chances are that you will recognize in many ways that it is also yours. Maybe nothing is more important than that we keep track of, you and I, of these stories of who we are and where we come from and the people we have met along the way because it is precisely through these stories in all their particularity, as I have long believed and often said, that God makes Himself known to each of us most powerfully and personally.

--Frederick Buechner

So, thanks for reading and for taking an interest in our story - you are a blessing in our lives.


Amanda said...

I love it that you share your story so openly and honestly. God is certainly made known through the events of your life. Thanks for your contribution to the blogoshere!

(Love that quote, by the way...)

Molly said...

It's funny isn't it? It's amazing how many people are so interested in adoption and so scared of it at the same time.

I am thankful for a family like yours that is willing to glorify God through the process and help others to see how incredible it can be. Thank you for being such a positive voice for domestic adoption. You stand for so many.

Don't you think that having been through adoption, you understand just that much more how Christ longs (painfully at times) to adopt each of us as children into his family? Pretty cool I think!

Kris, Holly, Kait, and Jack said...

I love your blog and have kept up with others whose stories did not have such a happy ending, but the blogs allowed me to know what was going on and to pray for those I loved and the things they needed. Without having to call and bug them everyday. It is a great way to stay connected through our little everyday lives and the big events where we need that support from friends, families, an "online strangers!!"

David and Bethany said...

Isn't that so true? I love how God is so amazing that He can take a situation that has been so heart-breaking on our side and work it to bring both us and others joy! Thanks for sharing, as always.... :)

Kylie said...

beautiful post!

Jaime said...

heartfelt post, Holly. God uses difficult for good and that's truly seen through you guys in this situation!

Amy said...

I love that you share your life with me - an online stranger. :)

Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

Well I am now one of those fans! Your (and my!) friend Kate's Mom sent me this link for encouragement and encourage me it did. My husband and I had an adoption fall through last fall and have just started the process again. It was so wonderful to go through your blog and see your story. It was especially fun to see you begin the process knowing the end. I bet that's how the Lord "feels" at times- knowing everything will work out according to His plan and yet we're caught in the drama of the moment. Your baby is precious and your family is beautiful. Congratulations!

Randi Freeby said...

I love this story. Thank you for blogging and sharing your life with others.

Krutches to R12 said...

the awesome thing about your story is that you give the glory to God. He's blessed you for sure with your little one, and I am certain you and your husband will make great parents.