We were absolutely THRILLED to receive an update on Baby P's (hopefully final) doctor appointment yesterday... Everything is progressing very well, both S and sweet Baby P are doing wonderfully! The doctor said that she would be very surprised if we were able to meet this precious little boy before the 20th (his original due date). More than likely, he will be making his debut a little late... however, she will not be letting S go more than a week or so past her due date. We know that S is not wanting to be induced, so please pray that everything happens naturally for her. We want this to be the very best experience possible for both her and Baby P. By the way... I CANNOT WAIT to refer to Baby P by his real name on here...it's killin' me!!! =) But...we have decided to wait and announce his real name after we meet him... and I'm becoming impatient! Surprise, surprise...ha!
I ordered it from Restoration Hardware Baby & Child (www.rhbabyandchild.com)... and I love it! Can't wait to see the whole nursery put together... We are blessed with truly wonderful friends and family who have already jumped all over the shower planning... so I'll make sure to post more pics of the nursery after I have it all completed. Every time I walk by it, I stop and imagine our sweet baby in there... we are so very close to meeting him!
And, of course, I had to post his little chubby-cheeked picture again...WOW...we will never grow tired of looking at this little face!!!

love it!
so glad everyone is doing well!
we're still praying!
Congratulations!! I have been reading your blog and praying for you guys, but I haven't checked it in a few days and missed a lot! So happy for you and Ben. Can't wait to see pictures of your sweet boy when you bring him home! Love,
Nicole Page
COngratulations!! I am soooo happy for yall! What exciting news! I look forward to checking back often to get more updates as to when baby P makes his debut! What an exciting time for you both!
Waiting in anticipation for the blog post where you say, "He's Here!" Can't wait to hear the name! I hate the suspense.
Love the bedding! I am on pins and needles...
How exciting and wonderful that you're adopting a little baby boy! Good luck with the final preparations! I'll keep checking your blog for updates :-)
That's a beautiful crib! :-) I know your little boy with have nothing but the best and most loving parents in you and Ben!
Congratulations again! Mark and I are very excited for you two!
I found your blog off of Mel Darby's and I swear, I have now read it from start to finish.... bawling most of the time. God is SOOO good, and I'm so very happy for the many miracles going on in your life. You're definitely being blessed for your faithfulness. Being a parent is the greatest and most rewarding challenge you'll ever experience, and I can't wait to follow it through your blog. Congrats, congrats, congrats!!
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