Several weeks ago (March 6-12) Ben and I had the opportunity to go on our annual adult-only vacation - we had a complete blast! We go with the same group of friends to a different place each year... this year was the Ritz-Carlton Grand Lakes in Orlando, FL. This trip is always such a blessing to us because we get quality time together with some great, great friends... Oh, and did I mention that Ben's company pays for the WHOLE thing?!?! Unbelievable. Huge blessings.
Day 1
We arrived in Orlando, got settled into our rooms, then had a welcome reception with our group out on the Da Vinci Lawn. Unfortunately I didn't take near enough pictures this year, but here's a self-portrait of Ben and I on our way out the door to the reception.

Day two started off bright and early with a huge breakfast and the only "buisness" meeting of the week. Below is a picture of Ben with the Texas district.

After the business meeting, here's where we spent the rest of our day... and most of our days there =) Beautiful and so relaxing!
The evening of Day two, we had a fabulous dinner at Vines Grille with several people from Ben's new Arkansas district. We truly enjoyed getting to know these new friends! (The Hogues, The Greenwoods, and Jon Olmsted)

On Day 3, we headed out to Universal Studios with Nate & Abby... Abby is a HUGE Harry Potter fan so we, of course, went to the Harry Potter Village...
I have to say that I was very impressed! It definitely makes me want to read the books now!

That evening we had a blast at the Everglades Party on Fairways Lawn. There was a live band, tons of food, activities, and lots of fun! Here we are with some of our great friends... Kyle, Justin, Christine, myself, Ben, and Garrett.

Some "new friends" that joined us for dinner...

With one of my dearest.... Abby Sannes =)

Early on the morning of Day 4, all the guys hit the golf course and the girls headed to the Spa - heaven! Then we all spent rest of the afternoon by the pools =) That evening, Ben and I went to dinner at Pat O'Briens with the Texas group... Here is me and my love:
The Texas group

Day 5 once again started with a spa day for the girls and race car driving for the guys. Unfortunately, this is the only day it rained, so we all headed into Orlando for some good quality time... shopping! That evening we all got dressed up for the big Final Night Reception in the Ritz-Carlton Ballroom. After the dinner was a rockin' after-party... lots of dancing and live music!
Before the dinner with Nate and Abby - love them!

Abby and I
Christine, myself, and Abby

Let the after-party begin!

Christine and I

Abby and I

Myself, Kyle, and Christine

These 4 guys have been buddies since 2006 when we all lived together up in Minnesota - we've all been through a lot together! They take the same picture on the last night of our trip every year. (Nate, Kyle, Ben, & Nima)

Ben, Justin, and Kyle

Love him.

Trying to squeeze everyone in the pic...Abby, Ben, Nate, Kyle, and I

It was such a great trip and I'm always sad when the week is over... but also so ready to get back and see this little guy! We miss him so very much!!! Thank you a million times over to all the grandparents who watch Reider for us while we are gone. We love you!
Can you tell he was excited about his Mickey Mouse?!! And yes... that is a diaper he put on Mickey =)

We already miss all of our O-Town friends, but are so looking forward to next year! We'll be heading to The Phoenecian in Phoenix, AZ!