WOW... Ben and I can hardly believe that our baby boy is almost TWO! What a pure joy these last two years have been! We decided to celebrate a few weeks early (before the moving craziness set in) with a Thomas the Train birthday party at none other than... McDonald's (Reider's favorite). And I have to say... it was a blast! We kept it small with just family and a few of Reid's little friends, and I think it's safe to say that all the kids had a lot of fun. =)
Here's the birthday boy before the party started while we were setting up... checking out his party hats...
It was a HUGE mistake to show Reid his birthday "happy cake" before the party... he was OBSESSED with eating a piece. We tried to distract him for a little while with air hockey...

We decided it was his birthday and he could eat cake when he wanted to! So here's Reider... diving into the cake before the party even starts!

Let the fun begin! Pictured is Reid, Keagan DeLaPorte (with Siti), Bekah & Grace Wells, and Isabella Higgins (with Jayme)...

Reider caught sight of the presents that were starting to pile up and wanted to start "opening it"...

Pictured: Brielle McDaniel, Bekah Wells, Isabella Higgins, Grace Wells, Reider, and Keagan DeLaPorte

We'll have many more pics to post from Neely as soon as I get the cd... but for now, here's a little video of the Happy Birthday song =)
Reider, Mommy and Daddy love you so very much and are so proud of the little guy you have become! Can't wait to see what this next year holds!