We just received the news from our attorney that Reid's finalization date has been set for OCTOBER 5TH, 2009! HALLELUJAH!!!
He will forever and always be ours...a part of us...the missing piece in our family is finally complete. I can't even begin to describe the emotions that fill me right now... When we started our adoption journey, everything was so overwhelming, the paperwork trail seemed endless, and quite honestly I didn't feel like we would ever get to this point. But all words have left me now...how did I ever doubt? That has been our lesson over this past year, for sure. The only thing that keeps ringing through my head right now is a song we sing at Keystone...
Nothing is impossible for God,
No, nothing is impossible for Him,
You hold our world in Your hands;
So let Your name be lifted higher,
be lifted higher, be lifted higher...

God is so good, so faithful, and so perfectly wove our family together through the miracle of adoption - let His name be lifted higher! Our ultimate healer, maker, caretaker, provider...
All afternoon I've been reminiscing about our adoption journey and all of the miracles and provision we experienced along the way. For those that joined our journey late, here is a brief synopsis:
It hasn't even been a full year since we publicly announced our plans to adopt...
We were officially "waiting on Baby P" on November 18th, 2008...
Only (a very short) 8 weeks later we were chosen by Michael Reid's amazing birthmother...
Only 3 weeks after that, Michael Reid was born in Austin, TX on February 3, 2009...
On February 5, 2009, we got to hold our miracle for the very first time as he was forever placed in our arms...
How has he gone from this...
...to this in just six short months???
Oh, how we love this little man! Every day we thank the Lord for this amazing blessing that was brought into our lives just a few short months ago.
As I said earlier, our finalization hearing will be Monday morning, October 5th, at 8:00am. The hearing will be in San Antonio at the Bexar County Courthouse in downtown, and our immediate families will hopefully be joining us. We can hardly wait!!!
Before I conclude this post, we do want to take a moment to thank all of you. Without your prayers, love, support, and encouragement we would not be where we are today. We love you, cherish your friendship, and are so thankful for your faithful prayers. From the bottom of our hearts...THANK YOU!
"For this child we have prayed, and the Lord has granted us what we asked of Him..."