This has been an eventful week for our little fam in adoption world... we had our VERY LAST IN-HOME VISIT with Kris Miller, our social worker, this week... WAHOOO!!!! This means that we are oh so very close to having Reid "officially" be a part of what you would call our "forever family". (In our hearts he, of course, already is!) Kris came to evaluate us this week and everything went really well! A lot of people ask us what goes on during those visits... Basically, you are evaluated interacting with your child and are asked a series of questions about his developmental progress, how you and your spouse have adjusted to various challenges, etc. Now, Kris will be writing up her final report to file with the state, then we will (hopefully) be receiving our court date very soon for the month of August to finalize and seal everything. I cannot even begin to describe the incredible feeling we have to be at this point in our adoption... it's AMAZING! It is all so overwhelming at the beginning of the process, and a 6 month finalization period (for the state of TX) seemed SO LONG in my head... but it has absolutely FLOWN by. I blink, and I feel like my sweet baby has grown another inch. Ben and I consider it a true blessing to be given the honor to parent Reid and call him our own. *Happy Tears* You better believe that we will be throwing one massive "Gotcha Day" party when all is said and done... CANNOT WAIT to celebrate our miracle!
Another exciting happening... we had a visit from my dear, dear friend (and college roommate) Naomi. It was so great to catch up and for all of the kids to meet!!! Here is a picture below of our meal at BreadWinners...
picture: Myself, Reid (in his stroller), Reece (1 yr), Naomi, and sweet Ashley (3 yrs)

Aren't Nay's kiddos absolutely BEAUTIFUL??? I just love all of the red hair they get from their Daddy! We love you guys and can't wait to see you again soon!!! =)
And, finally... here are a few more swim snapshots from the other evening. I know that it seems like we live in the pool... And to be quite honest, we do live in the pool during the summers. That's what happens when it's 106 degrees outside... But, I just loved these shots of Reid and Ben... Reid loves his Dad so much!