We had a WONDERFUL weekend celebrating Doc's Birthday and Ben's first Father's Day! Reid is so blessed to have such great, Godly examples of men in his life - we love you so much Daddy, Doc, and Granpa!
Here's a pic of Ben and Reid on Father's Day at lunch...love these two!

For Father's Day, I decided to let Reid have his first-go at finger painting... what a mess! But we had so much fun!!! I had every intention of taking pictures during the whole process, but both Reid and I were so covered in paint that I didn't want to pick up my camera =) I just covered our kitchen table in plastic... stripped Reid down and set him up in the bumbo seat... then the painting fun began! Here's a pic of Reid's first artwork...

Needless to say, everyone loved their "Reidster Originals"!
On Friday evening, we went out with my family to celebrate Doc's Birthday and Father's Day - what a fun night! We ate at Doc's favorite...Mexican Inn in downtown Ft. Worth, then headed to Neely's new apartment for cake and ice cream.
Here's a great pic... Reid loves his Doc! Happy Birthday, Doc!!!

Me, Reid, Aunt Neely, and Doc...

Enjoying our dinner...

Reid giving Doc and Daddy his Father's Day gifts =)

On Sunday, we had a great morning at Keystone Church then headed to spend the afternoon with Ben's side of the family...
Sweet Reid is always crashed out after church on Sunday's...too much playing with his friends in the nursery!

Daddy and Reid at lunch...having a great time!

...and with Granpa... 3 generations...

...and then Uncle Jeff joined the picture...

Granpa LOVED his Father's Day gift from Reid, as well!

Laughing with my little guy...

Happy first Father's Day, Daddy!!! We love you and are so thankful for all that you do for our family!