It's been a BIG Saturday around here, so I wanted to share a few pics from the day...
In case you haven't heard, Reid is not a fan of haircuts. In fact, I would venture to say... he HATES them. Long story short, this morning we went for our second attempt (this week) to cut our kiddo's shaggy head... it took myself, Ben, and another hairdresser to hold him down while the 4th hairdresser cut his hair. Since an even cut with scissors was clearly out of the question, our little dude got his first buzz cut. I was a little sad it was going to be so short, but he didn't leave us many options. The funny part about haircuts is he is 100% fine as soon as they are done... and he even gets excited about the new do (and the sucker).
Here is the handsome little man post-haircut... so cute!
After Reider's haircut, he got to go pick out two new pairs of tennis shoes - Yes, he LOVES shoe shopping! (Of course I didn't get any pictures) Then we went home to set up his "Big Boy Bed"... Here he is - he was so excited! (We just converted his crib to a toddler bed to get him used to it)

We are so proud because he has done really well! He went straight to sleep tonight and didn't get up one time - yay!