I really can't believe Michael Reid is already ONE - where has the year gone?!? It has been such a whirlwind of blessings...Ben and I are so grateful for this amazing little boy! Next Saturday (Feb 27th) we're having his 1st Birthday Party...I'm so excited! Be looking for lots of pictures...=)
This past Wednesday morning, we had Reid's one-year well check with Dr. Dalton, and I'm happy to report that he's doing great and really "thriving"! Although he was VERY overdramatic with his shots this round...but I always enjoy the cuddle time afterwards. =) Currently he's 22 pounds and 29 inches long... still hanging out in the 40th-50th percentile. I was concerned that his growth had slowed down, but Dr. Dalton said that that is to be expected at this stage. He's hitting the toddler plateau then will spurt again in several months.
Big changes now that he's hit the one-year mark:
- We are weaning off the bottle... yesterday he only had one bottle. What a big boy! (But makes mommy a little sad...)
- Reid started drinking whole milk this past week and LOVED it. Drained his cup then asked for more =)
- He is still a GREAT eater, but getting a little more picky... His current favorites are blueberry muffins, cinnamon raisin toast, cheese, cheese puffs, chicken nuggets, and cereal bars. (We really work to get those veggies in there!) And he LOVES Jill's homemade banana pudding. Every time he takes a bite of it he claps his little hands and says "MMMMM!".
- Reid is also becoming extremely mobile... he's not walking on his own just yet, but it will be any day. He climbs EVERYTHING... cruises everywhere... and is standing on his own.
- He is also really trying to communicate with us. He points to things he wants and understands just about everything we say. He's also starting to repeat some words after us, but still isn't too interested in doing it on a consistent basis.
This is such a fun age! We can't wait to see what the next several months hold!
And now for a few pics....
We got back from Australia last Wednesday - just in time for 12.5 inches of snow... holy cow! We made it in late Wednesday night then lost power on Thursday for the next several days, so Doc and KK were kind enough to take us in! Here's a shot of Reider in the snow...what a cutie!
Reid also went shoe shopping this past week... he LOVES his big boy shoes. He is constantly bringing them to me and wanting to put them on. =) KK couldn't decide which pair she liked better (the blue or the brown), so Reid got them both!

Here's a typical scene in the mornings at our house... sweet guy is like his Mom and takes a little bit to really wake up. Reid LOVES his cartoons in the mornings...

I love this pic because he looks like such a little boy rather than a baby! Here he is with Doc on his actual birthday (and it even looks like he holding up one finger to show you how old he is!).

And finally... bath time is still his very favorite! (And yes, I still let him sit in the duck bathtub even though he's getting too big for it... he loves it!)

Mom and Dad love you so much Reider - we can't wait for your birthday party next weekend!