While it might seem cruel, my child LOVES to feel scared... here he is having some fun with Doc and Blaire after dinner tonight... there's nothing sweeter than those little laughs!
We've had a week or two of ups and downs around here... On the downside, we've all been fighting that nasty head cold going around. Sweet Reider's been couped up inside for a solid week and half not feeling too well, so he got a new (favorite) toy... his music and play table...

You can see that he's still such a happy little guy even when he's sick. =)
On the upside, though... Reid's very first tooth cut through - YAY!! (Looks like we have several more on the way as well.) And he is now...

ON EVERYTHING!!! Oh, what fun... Is that the cutest little diaper butt you've ever seen, or what?!?
Sorry for the blurry cell phone pics (we really do own a real camera, it just never happens to be with us!)... but this is one of my favorite pics from the week... Reid sitting just like Daddy. Foot propped on his high chair ready for dinner. Yep, this is how our angel baby sits through every meal...love it!
And more GOOD NEWS... Reid's finalization day (aka GOTCHA DAY!!!) will be here a week from Monday...YAHOOO!!!! We can hardly wait! We are throwing one massive, fun-filled, Gotcha Day party that following weekend with all of his little friends and the amazing people who have been walking this adoption journey with us. We are so thankful for everyone who has been praying for us and with us... we love you all!