Monday, August 9, 2010

18 Months Old

18 months old... WOW!!! I love this picture of Reid because it captures his personality perfectly. He is all boy - always exploring, laughing, growling, and getting dirty. So fun!

It seems like just yesterday we were meeting Michael Reid for the very first time as we were bringing him home from the hospital. Reid, you cannot imagine the depths of our love for you. We are so proud and truly enjoy every day as you become more and more of your own, independent, little person.

This past Wednesday we had his 18-month well check... here are the stats:

Height = 31 inches
Weight = 25 lbs, 8 oz
Head Cir = 48.8 cm
(Still hanging out in the 40 - 50 % and growing just perfectly!)

This age completely amazes me at how much they learn and the new things they try every single day! Reid runs EVERYWHERE and climbs EVERYTHING. He loves to "jump" and spin in circles while yelling "WEEEEEEEE!". His favorite thing in the world is to make us laugh... he loves tickling, wrestling, and playing hide-n-seek. I'm that mom who hides all over the house and jumps out to scare him just to see his reaction... he falls to the floor he's laughing so hard, then runs and wants me to chase him. We have just "a little" fun! He also still LOVES his cars and trains... anything that has wheels, really. Doc and KK let him drive the "big car" and that is all he can talk about now. He can also fully work the iphone and computers (unlocks them, turns them on, and finds his games). His Christmas list now consists of his own "big car" and iphone... 18 months or 18 years??? His vocabulary is expanding every day... too many words to list! He'll repeat anything we say and is even counting to 10... next up, is our ABCs. =)

I'm trying to prepare myself for next month as he starts pre-school... let the tears flow! As hard as it is to watch him grow so quickly, I'm really excited for all the adventures he will have. We've enrolled him at Southlake Christian just two days per week (9-2). He'll have Spanish class, science class, and music class... I know that he'll have a blast! Updates on the first day of school to come soon!

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