Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Slowing down in a world built for speed...

...I've got to do it. My husband and I were actually talking about this very subject last night on the phone... How is it that we are surrounded with modern technology that is supposed to make our lives easier, faster, more efficient...yet we are still scrambling to cross that "finish line" (whatever that may be) at the end of every day? Our culture is obsessed with speed. Dialing the phone isn't enough...we have to speed dial. Receiving a normal email is no longer fast enough...we want it instantly - with us wherever we go. I even saw a clip in my google reader today (once again, my need for speed news) about the "One Minute Bedtime Story" to help shorten time with your kids. Sad, but very true. It's ironic to me, because my husband started the whole conversation by asking why I haven't posted anything on my blog this week (he's out of town and the blog helps him keep up here at home when we're "too busy" to really talk). My answer was simply that I haven't had the time. Amazing. Amazing that I haven't had 10 minutes this week.

I am the "speed cult's" number one recruit...I'll admit it. But from here on out I'm making a promise to move away from that. Now...I'm not jumping on any crazy bandwagon that makes me give up my iphone or anything ridiculous like that (those of you who know me know that I love the iphone way too much)...but I am committing to slowing down and making more time for the things that are most important to me. Just a little "Aha" moment I had today...thought I'd share in case any of you get bogged down with the fast pace of life.  Have a good evening and take some time to RELAX.

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters; He restores my soul."  Psalm 23: 1-3

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